North Korea Warns Foreigners to Evacuate South Korea

North Korea has warned all foreigners to leave South Korea by the 10th of April.

The North has warned foreign companies and tourists in the South to evacuate the Korean peninsula immediately, as it claims the two countries are on the verge of nuclear war.

The warning has not been taken seriously by any foreign bodies.

There are no signs that the North Korean army is being mobilised for war. The US embassy in South Korea has not changed its security alert and has not made any moves to begin evacuating American citizens. The North Korean army has not filed the customary Notice to Airmen which normally precedes nuclear tests.

The warning is widely considered to have more to do with North Korea's domestic rather than international policies. "The situation on the Korean Peninsula is inching close to a thermonuclear war due to the evermore undisguised hostile actions of the United States and the South Korean puppet warmongers and their moves for a war against" the North, said a statement by the North Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, an organization that deals with regional matters.

The signs of belligerence from North Korea have been met with a deafening silence from China. Having not issued any statement of future alliance in any potential conflicts North Korea could be getting itself involved in, China has also been making unpointed statements regarding the illegitimacy of any leader throwing the world into chaos.Â