German Engineering Jobs

German Laws That Govern Asylum Seekers

Germany was once hailed for accepting displaced persons, but the country's perspective has shifted in recent years. It's...

Bundestag Grants Approval to 2024 Federal Budget

Image by Felix Mittermeier from Pixabay
In a delayed decision, the Bundestag has finally approved the federal budget for the current year, receiving 388 yes votes...

Government's Aerospace Center Plans Raise Concerns Over Green Spaces

The Bavarian state government's ambition to establish an aerospace center on the outskirts of Taufkirchen has stirred...

German Government Sets Course for Cannabis Legalization

In a significant and hotly debated development, the German federal government is poised to unveil its contentious strategy...

Overview of Asylum Applications and Decisions in Germany: Jan-Jun 2023

In the first half of 2023, Germany experienced a significant increase in asylum applications compared to the previous...

East and West Germans Differ in their Views on Russia

A recent survey conducted by the Yougov polling institute on behalf of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur reveals a notable...

Germany's Struggle Under the Scorching Sun

The world is currently grappling with the consequences of a global heatwave, and Germany is no exception. The current heat...

Top 5 unicorns driving Munich's economic growth

Munich's vibrant and dynamic startup ecosystem has given rise to several unicorns—privately held startups valued at...

US state of Idaho wants executions by firing squad

Image by Daniel Bone
People sentenced to death could soon be executed by firing squad in the US state of Idaho. The Senate of the state in the...

Iran and Saudi Arabia want to normalize relations

Image by Gerd Altmann
Iran and Saudi Arabia want to reestablish diplomatic relations and reopen their embassies within two months. That was the...

Berlin's energy supply remains secure

Image by Markus Distelrath
Berlin's energy supply is secure - "currently in all sectors", according to the current "Situation Report on Energy...

New regulations for immigration of skilled workers

The German government has agreed on new regulations for the immigration of skilled workers. The federal cabinet on...

ITALY : 250 migrants allowed to go ashore from rescue ships

After days of uncertainty, the approximately 250 remaining refugees on board the two rescue ships "Geo Barents" and...

US President Biden to ease marijuana rules

Image by Julia Teichmann
U.S. President Joe Biden has announced a pardon for all those convicted at the federal level of simple marijuana...

EU Commission to cut funding for Hungary by 7.5 billion euros

Photo by Guillaume Perigois
Because of corruption and violations of the rule of law in Hungary, the European Commission has proposed to cut payments...

Serbia and Kosovo reach agreement in dispute over entry rules

Image by Reinhard Thrainer
The two Balkan neighbors Serbia and Kosovo have settled their dispute over entry rules shortly before the end of a new...

U.S. plans crossings of Taiwan Strait by ships and aircraft

Image by Tim Hill
Notwithstanding heightened tensions with China over Taiwan, the United States will transit the Taiwan Strait with ships...

Large majority votes for new constitution in Tunisia

Image by Mourad El Mekki
Tunisia's President Kais Saied has expanded his power with a new constitution, adding to worries about an impending end to...

SPD leader calls for significant increase in citizen's income

Photo by Frank Busch
SPD leader Saskia Esken is insisting on a significant increase in the standard rates in the reform of the citizen's...

NATO significantly expands rapid reaction force to 300,000 soldiers

Photo by Diego Gonzalez
In response to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine , NATO will rebuild its defenses and increase the number of its...

Nachhaltigkeit und Mobilität - jetzt!

Unser ganzes Leben ist ein einziges Spiel mit der Zeit. Morgens ständig früh aufstehen, sich einigermaßen fertig...
Image copyright @Perfect Accident Creative Services GmbH

Canary Islands: "Return of the Guanches"

"Paradise for some, misery for others. Understand this, we must." (Lady Yoda) We all know the "sol de Canarias" - the...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Ongoing Debate on Reusable Packaging

Discussions surrounding recyclables have become a focal point in the European Union's battle against packaging waste. At...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Enhanced Regulation for Artificial Intelligence Unveiled in Landmark EU Agreement

In a significant development, negotiators from the European Parliament and EU member states have reached a consensus on...

Expats For Home - Compensation of Brain Drain via Microloans

The migration of skilled individuals, often referred to as expatriates or expats, has profound implications for both their...

Bavarian Leaders in Hands-On Trash Cleanup

In a display of proactive environmental stewardship, Bavaria's Minister of Science, Markus Blume, and Munich's...

Understanding the Bavarian State Election 2023: What You Need to Know

As the autumn of 2023 approaches, Bavaria is gearing up for its state election, a pivotal event that occurs every five...

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) - Friend or Foe

In the plans set forth by the European Union, the Euro is poised to transform into a form of "digital cash" within a few...

Germany Sees The Most Naturalizations in Two Decades

Germany witnessed a notable surge in naturalizations during 2022, with a remarkable 28 percent increase compared to the...

Nineteen parties to compete in Bavarian election

On October 8th 2023, the state elections will take place in Bavaria. 19 parties are allowed to run in the elections. In...

Global Goals for Sustainable Development

The 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda, adopted by the United Nations in 2015, are aimed at everyone: states, civil society,...

The Munich Synagogue: A Tale of Double Destruction

In 1938, the Nazis orchestrated the demolition of the magnificent Munich Synagogue located in the city's old town. The...

An Overview of Munich's Ruling Political Party: CSU

As with any major city, Munich's governance plays a crucial role in shaping the growth and development of the region. In...

EU and US Data Security A Prime Concern

In times of megacrises, this atmosphere was really good: optimism and harmony characterized the 7th German-American Data...

Will Blinken's visit bring positivity to e Sino-US relations?

Last month, when US President Joe Biden predicted that a "thaw" in the Sino-US relationship would begin "very shortly,"...

Former presidential advisor Arestovych confirms that Zelenskyy failed to fight corruption in entourage

Former advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovych said that Volodymyr Zelenskiy failed to...
Image by Monika

Greens to bring forward coal phase-out to 2030 in east

According to a report, the Green Party wants to bring forward the phase-out of coal throughout Germany to 2030. This is a...
Image by Gerd Altmann

Erdogan wants to agree to Finland joining NATO

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to approve Finland's planned entry into NATO. The ratification process will...

Omar Harfouch, a hope for Lebanon

As Lebanon faces an unprecedented crisis, a new political class is beginning to emerge in the country. Mr. Omar Harfouch...
Image by Wolfgang Claussen

Verdi demands 3000 euros for public sector employees in Berlin

The trade union Verdi demands a one-time payment of 3,000 euros for each employee of the public service in the state of...
Photo by Scott Graham

Employment agency assures punctual payment of citizen's allowance

The new citizen's income is to be paid out to needy people in Germany on time at the beginning of the year. Thanks to the...
Image by Karoly Megyeri

EU states agree to freeze funds for Hungary

A large majority of EU member states have agreed in principle to freeze billions in payments from the European Community...
Photo by Kwon Junho

Gas price brake to apply retroactively from January

In the gas price brake, citizens and companies are to be relieved retroactively for January and February 2023. So far, it...
Image by Tumisu

British government raises taxes and cuts spending in fight against inflation

The British government wants to fill the huge hole in the budget coffers with tax increases and spending cuts amounting to...

Significantly less cargo in Russian ports

According to figures from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), goods handling in Russian ports has slumped, in...
Photo by Shelby Ireland

Lauterbach considers cannabis legislation

The federal cabinet has agreed on key points for the planned legalization of cannabis. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach...
Image by Bernd Schray

Biden has oil export ban under review

The USA was once the land of cheap gasoline. Those days are now over; a gallon on the West Coast now costs up to $6.70,...
Photo by Johannes Plenio

Decommissioned railroad lines remain closed

In the view of several transport associations, the federal and state governments are still making little progress with the...
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem

In 2023, fewer parents will have to pay for childcare

Brandenburg's state government wants to implement important improvements in childcare despite the current freeze on the...
Image by Akbar Nemati

U.S. disappointed with Iran's latest response on nuclear deal

In the struggle to relaunch the nuclear agreement with Iran, the U.S. has expressed disappointment with the latest...
Photo by Anna Jiménez Calaf

Bavaria's state forests expect rush for wind power in the forest

It's been a good three years since Minister President and CSU leader Markus Söder announced the rapid construction of...

Repeat of the Bundestag election in many parts of Berlin is approaching

A repeat of the Bundestag election in many parts of Berlin is becoming increasingly likely. As the online magazine "The...
Photo by Chuanchai Pundej

Kiev gets new weapons and billions from Washington

Ammunition, weapons and equipment for Ukraine - the U.S. is putting together the largest-ever package of military aid for...
Photo by Bill Jelen

North Korea preparing for first nuclear test since 2017

North Korea is preparing for its first nuclear test since 2017, according to the United Nations. Most recently,...
Image by Gerd Altmann

Brandenburg's interior minister plans new law against child abuse

Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen wants to step up the prosecution of child abuse and toughen penalties....
Image by Gerd Altmann

Russia and Ukraine apparently reach grain agreement

In the conflict over the blockade of grain exports from Ukraine, UN Secretary General António Guterres, Turkish...
Image by Gerd Altmann

Inflation is higher than 20 percent in some euro countries

While in Germany the fuel discount and the 9-euro ticket for the train have recently put some pressure on inflation,...
Photo by Chris Robert

Scotland submits plans for independence referendum to court

The Scottish government is having its plans for a new independence referendum reviewed for legality by the UK Supreme...
Image by Gerd Altmann

China and Russia want to move even closer together economically

The U.S. has criticized China for announcing increased cooperation with Russia. "China claims to be neutral, but its...
Image by Gerd Altmann

Inflation: why struggling pensioners need help

Resentment is growing among Germany's pensioners. For weeks and months, prices, especially for energy and food, have been...