Rabbis move headquarters to Munich

Fri 30th Jun, 2023

It has been seventy years since the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) first established its London headquarters. The group has been looking for a new location though since Brexit.

In order to support and defend Jewish communities across Europe through political influence, it was intended to bring together an alliance of Jewish leaders.

Currently, Munich, Germany, will serve as the CER's home. A Conference of European Rabbis member based in London named Shimon Cohen gave Euronews an explanation of the decision.

"There was a perfectly reasonable understanding right across our membership that London was no longer the place to be for that influence on European policy," he said.

Because of this, we must have a portion of the EU as our headquarters because the EU parliament won't be listening to the chief rabbi of the UK.

Immediately following the end of World War II, the Conference of European Rabbis was established in London.
According to Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, "the destruction of European Jewry started in Europe, where Hitler had his putsch.".

"Therefore, it is highly symbolic that we are returning to Munich with government backing as we work to rebuild European Jewry. ".

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