Wealth tax should finance public sector wage increase
In a joint appeal, about a hundred local politicians of the Left Party support the wage demands for the public sector and demand their counter-financing through a wealth tax.
"Good wages for employees are affordable," reads the appeal, which was made available to AFP on Thursday. "To counter-finance them, the rich and wealthy in our country must finally bear a greater share of the costs of the crises," they demand.
The federal government must not only take responsibility for its own employees, but also help the municipalities financially, demand the supporters of the appeal, 101 left-wing politicians from local councils throughout Germany.
It is about a "good quality of life locally," the local politicians emphasize. "Sufficient staff in daycare centers, schools and hospitals and well-developed local public transport are affordable - if the federal government wants it."
Especially in times of crisis, the public service "proves its great importance for our entire society," the appeal continues. "For this reason, too, the work of employees must be appreciated - also and especially in terms of pay. In the current inflation, that means above all fully compensating for real wage losses."
In the current wage negotiations, the unions are demanding 10.5 percent more salary for the 2.4 million federal and local employees, but at least 500 euros more per month.
Left Party leader Janine Wissler pointed out that tax revenues had risen by a good seven percent last year, more than expected. "At the same time, inflation is eating up salaries," she told AFP. "Some corporations are earning magnificently from this, the majority is paying the price." The fight for higher wages deserved solidarity across society, she said.
It was "time to give wealthy people a share in it, so that those who keep the store running can live well," the party leader continued. The federal government must fulfill its responsibility as an employer and must not leave the municipalities "alone with the task of financing.
Image by Ri Butov
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