The Psychological Impact of Playing Online Poker as a Full-Time Job
Section: Arts
Three years after its establishment, the arrival center at the former Berlin-Tegel Airport has provided assistance to over 120,000 refugees, with a significant portion being war-displaced individuals from Ukraine. The facility, initially designed as a temporary solution, has evolved to meet the various needs of those seeking refuge.
Since March 2022, when the center was opened, the Berlin authorities have reported registering more than 93,746 Ukrainian war refugees, according to information provided by a coalition of humanitarian organizations. The center, which was meant to serve as a short-term refuge, has now become a long-term accommodation for many, some of whom have been residing in makeshift housing for extended periods.
The center is operated by several key humanitarian organizations, including the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, the German Red Cross, the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, and the Malteser Hilfsdienst. Approximately 730 staff members work around the clock to provide essential services, as stated by the involved organizations.
Currently, the center has around 6,500 available spots, with approximately 2,700 occupied by Ukrainian refugees and about 1,000 by individuals from other countries. The ongoing conditions in the center have faced criticism, particularly from local church leaders who have called for substantial improvements in living conditions and enhanced integration services.
Over the past three years, the services offered at the center have adapted to the changing needs of the refugees. In addition to basic care, the center now provides various recreational and counseling services, medical care, and assistance with job placement and integration initiatives.
As the situation continues to evolve, the humanitarian organizations involved are committed to addressing the needs of the refugees while advocating for better living conditions and support systems.
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Health Insurance in Germany is compulsory and sometimes complicated, not to mention expensive. As an expat, you are required to navigate this landscape within weeks of arriving, so check our FAQ on PKV. For our guide on resources and access to agents who can give you a competitive quote, try our PKV Cost comparison tool.
Germany is famous for its medical expertise and extensive number of hospitals and clinics. See this comprehensive directory of hospitals and clinics across the country, complete with links to their websites, addresses, contact info, and specializations/services.
The Circus Krone Winter Program 2024/2025 is back, offering a spectacular experience for the whole family from December 25, 2024, to April 6, 2025. Held in the iconic Circus Krone building in Munich, the program kicks off on Christmas Day with two shows at 14:30 and 18:30. This year's lineup...
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