Schlampenmarsch on the streets of Munich

Tue 9th Oct, 2012

Saturday in Munich left very little to the imagination, as women from all walks of life gathered together to demonstrate their sexual rights and decisions. For the second time in Munich, the women of the "Schlampenmarsch" (directly translated as the 'Slut March') paraded from Sendlinger Tor to Goetheplatz and back to the Sonnenstrasse, in order to demonstrate a woman's right to dress how she wants, without becoming subject to the comments and improper actions from men. 

The "Schlampenmarsch" takes place year-round, all over the world, with women dressing in their skimpiest clothing and men showing their support whilst dressed in garters and stockings.

Originally the "Schlampenmarsch" started in Toronto 2011 after a Policeman tried to encourage women to dress 'appropriately', or more conservatively, so that they would not tease and encourage men and sexual predators. In protest, women world-wide got together to parade their sexuality for all to see, dressing provocatively in order to make it clear that a woman has the right to dress however she wants without being harassed and victimised.

The second annual "Schlampenmarsch" here in Munich was well-attended and gave hopes for many more years of promiscuous walks through the city to come. In hope to end a culture where a victim can often be blamed for an incident, the "Schlampenmarsch" aims to raise awareness whilst having fun walking and exposing Victoria's secret. 

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