Memorial for Dominik Brunner

Thu 12th Aug, 2010

Munich. A memorial at the S-Bahnhof Solln in Munich will be in remembrance of the death of Dominik Brunner.

The cross will be placed on the day of his death, the 12th of September, says Christian Wendebourg, the pastor of the evangelical Apostel and Petrus church in Solln, on Wednesday. Wendebourg together with pastor Wolfgang Neidl of the catholic parish St. Johann Baptist, want to commemorate Brunner in a ecumenical devotion at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Brunner died nearly one year ago when two teenagers kicked and beat him to death.

"For us it is almost embarrassing that there is nothing to remind us of Dominik Brunner until now", says Wendebourg. He had hoped, that the city of Munich would install a plaque or name a street after him. The latter one is not possible due to law restrictions, because one year must pass after the death.

The pastor expected 200 to 250 people for the devotions, amongst them people in the public eye. Among others, Home Secretary Joachim Herrmann announced he would attend, possibly mayor Christian Ude aswell. "But it will be a service of small size", says Wendebourg.

After recent investigations into the murder of Dominik Brunner, it was revealed that he had hit first, but that doesn't change the pastors appraisal of the commitment of the victim. "Brunners feat can't be appreciated enough, he is a role model for moral courage." Brunner put himself in front of four students, to protect them, as they were threatened by the teenagers. Both of them are currently undergoing trial on murder charges.

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