Ban on accommodation in Bavaria
Since Thursday (25 June), a ban on accommodation has been in force in Bavaria for people from particularly affected inner-German hotspots - these are regions with more than 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.
In addition, persons who arrive in Bavaria from a third country such as the USA or Australia, have to go into quarantine for 14 days, on the conditions that the Robert Koch Institute shows a 7-day incidence of greater than or equal to 50 infections, for the state in question.
The Bavarian state government has set the same limit for the comparable domestic case. Therefore accommodation establishments, in particular hotels and guesthouses, are not allowed to accept guests who come from an inner German region which is considered as a Corona hotspot.
Excluded from this prohibition are guests who have a medical certificate in the German or English language which confirms that there is no evidence of infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and who are willing to show this to the responsible district administration authority upon request. The medical certificate must refer to molecular biological testing. The test must have been administered by a Member State of the European Union or any other state that the Robert Koch Institut has included in a list of states with sufficient quality standard and has to be carried out no more than 48 hours before arrival.
The ban on accommodation furthermore does not apply to guests who have to travel for professional or medical reasons which cannot be postponed or who have another good reason for travelling, in particular a visit to a close family members or the exercise of rights of custody or assistance and care of vulnerable people.
Bavaria isn't the only German federal state that introcuced an accommodation ban. In the meantime, six federal states have issued a corresponding ordinance. You can find more information here:
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