Positive Corona tests after party night in Berlin

Sun 8th Aug, 2021

Berlin is known for its parties. Thus, 43 employees of the DRK vaccination center Arena did not miss the opportunity to celebrate at an open-air party last weekend. The private fete took place in the techno club Kater Blau. But the fun-filled hours probably had health consequences for the employees.

As reported by B.Z-berlin, eight employees of the vaccination center are said to have tested positive for the coronavirus. A spokeswoman for the German Red Cross (DRK) confirmed three cases so far. The spokeswoman would not comment on whether the employees had become infected at the party in question. "It can be assumed that those affected were infected in their private environment," it said instead. It is also unclear whether they had been vaccinated. The vaccination rate among the 500 employees at the DRK test center is reportedly 98 percent.

On Thursday (5.8) a first rapid test had been positive in all three. In the meantime, the infections have been confirmed by a PCR test. Two of the affected employees had not yet started work that day due to symptoms, according to reports. However, one infected first-aid worker showed up for her shift. This has far-reaching consequences. All 500 employees of the vaccination center must now undergo testing. Direct contacts have been "preventively taken off duty," the spokeswoman told Der Spiegel. So far, there are already 125 negative results.

There is no danger for those willing to be vaccinated. The infected employee had no contact with vaccination candidates on Thursday. In addition, there is a very low risk of infection in the vaccination center due to the prevailing mask requirement and regular testing of employees, said DRK spokeswoman Regina Kneiding to B.Z.

Party nights in Berlin: Pilot project started - Two nights of partying without masks and distance

Parallel runs in Berlin this weekend the pilot project "Reboot Clubculture". Without distance, without mask: on August 7 and 8, six clubs open their doors again for 2000 party guests. Vaccinated or unvaccinated played no role. For the admission, the visitors need only a negative PCR test result. The conclusion after the first party night was positive compared to the private party of the vaccination center staff.

"All safety mechanisms have worked," Lutz Leichsenring from the Clubcommission was pleased to say at midday on Saturday. Around 2200 tests were carried out on Friday in the three PCR test centers set up for the project. In addition to the guests, the staff and the artists were also tested. For some visitors, however, the party night ended at the club door. There were seven positive tests before the pilot project started. "The affected individuals have been contacted and sent to quarantine," Leichsenring said. Think.Health CEO Florian Kainzinger told FAZ that the tickets of those who tested positive have been blocked. Think.Health is responsible for testing the guests. Berlin's politician Klaus Lederer was also "totally happy" about the start of the project: "Club culture is part of the city's DNA," he said.

Photo by Prasesh Shiwakoti (Lomash)


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