New mandatory testing for travelers starts
The seven-day incidence continues to rise steadily. According to data released by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) this Sunday morning, it now stands at 17.5, up from 16.9 the previous day and 4.9 at the recent low on July 6. Furthermore, eleven of Germany's 16 states are in double digits - Hamburg leads the way with an incidence of 30.9.
Health departments in Germany reported 2097 new Corona infections to the RKI within one day. For comparison: one week ago the value had been 1548 infections.The incidence has been the basis for many Corona restrictions in the pandemic so far, for example within the framework of the federal emergency brake, which expired at the end of June. In the future, other values such as hospital admissions will be taken into account to a greater extent.
Across Germany, one death was recorded within 24 hours, according to the new data. The number of people who died from or with the involvement of a proven infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus thus rose to 91,659.The RKI counted 3,771,262 confirmed infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not detected. The RKI gave the number of those who have recovered as 3,654,500.
Testing or detection requirement for all entrants in force
Testing obligations for travelers returning from abroad this Sunday, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced. "Anyone entering Germany must expect to be checked. Federal and state police are working hand in hand here," he told Bild am Sonntag. At the internal borders, he said, there will only be spot checks to prevent kilometer-long traffic jams in vacation traffic. "When entering from countries outside the EU, at airports and seaports, everyone will be checked, without exception."
As of this Sunday, testing is mandatory when entering Germany. This is to prevent a further spread of the coronavirus at the end of the summer vacations. All people over the age of twelve must be able to prove on an entry that their risk of transmission is reduced - with proof of vaccination, proof of convalescence or a negative test result. Such a requirement already existed for all airline passengers. Now it applies to all means of transport.
Seehofer spoke out against increasing the pressure on vaccination refusers with further measures: "So far, we have a well-functioning principle for vaccinated, recovered and negatively tested persons. We should stick to that. I also don't think anything of exerting direct or indirect pressure regarding vaccination." He did, however, advocate promoting vaccination more than in the past. "It is the only way to get us out of this pandemic. Without adequate vaccination coverage in the population, we're just bouncing from wave to wave."
Only about one in four unvaccinated people in Germany still want to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to a survey. This was reported by Bild am Sonntag with reference to a survey by the Insa opinion research institute. According to the survey, 54 percent of those who have not yet accepted an offer of vaccination also do not want to be vaccinated in principle. Only 27 percent of the unvaccinated can imagine a vaccination, according to the survey, 19 percent are still undecided.
As the main reason, 67 percent of the inoculation refusers called lack of confidence in the vaccines in the inquiry. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach told the newspaper that he firmly expects these people to face restrictions in the future. "In the fall, when the number of cases is very high, there will have to be a number of restrictions for the unvaccinated: for example, they will no longer be able to go indoors to certain restaurants, bars or clubs, places with a high risk of infection," Lauterbach said.
A majority favors restrictions on the unvaccinated as the number of cases rises, according to Bild am Sonntag. According to the report, 61 percent believe that unvaccinated people should no longer be allowed to attend sporting events when the number of cases is high. According to the report, 58 percent want to ban visits to theaters, cinemas and museums for the unvaccinated, and 54 percent want to ban visits to restaurants.
Image by Alexandra Koch
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