Woman Twice Wins 2.1 Million Euro Jackpot

Thu 16th Sep, 2010

Munich. A woman from Munich won twice the jackpot at the Gluecksspirale - something that has never happened before.

The 45 year old employee twice won the life-long monthly payment of 7,500 Euro or in cash 2.1 million Euro, a total of 4.2 million Euro according to the national lottery administration of Bavaria. She won the highest double win with the same lot, something that had never happened before at the Gluecksspirale.

"I went to the receiving office last Wednesday to play lotto. That's what I wanted to do initially. I didn't want to take part in the Glücksspirale", says the woman according to Lotto Bavaria. "That I bought a lot for the Gluecksspirale was by pure chance, that I played the same lot again on Saturday is simply due to my laziness. I didn't want to fill out a new ticket."

She does not want to take the option of a life long monthly pension. "I prefer the cash, to finally buy my own flat as well as a new car, clothes and shoes. I'm over the moon!"

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