The first iPad goes to Munich

Tue 6th Apr, 2010

"I never wanted to be the first one", says Richard Gutjahr, the world's first owner of the new Apple reader. The 37-year-old journalist living in Munich planned his travel to New York because of several interview appointments. He says that this was a coincidence.

A few weeks ago, he booked the device at New York's Apple store. A line of about 300 people were waiting in front of him. But when he arrived on Friday at 11 o'clock at the store, he was the eighth waiting. "At some point, the Apple store manager separated people with no reservation," says Gutjahr - and suddenly he was at the front of the queue.

The fact that Gutjahr is a media professional - a presenter on Bavarian Television '€“ but came as a private citizen to the store on Fifth Avenue, immediately gave him an advantage over the competition: he was able to post first on his blog, forcing the official media to remain behind him. And he alone was able to record a video film of the situation, as he went up the staircase into the store. "There were 200 or 300 Apple employees who applauded," says Gutjahr. "You feel like you are in a bad casting show."

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