Student Throws Puppy at Hells Angels

Mon 14th Jun, 2010

Allershausen. A 26 year old student drove onto the premises of the "Hells Angels" motor-bike club in Allershausen, pulled down his shorts and then threw a puppy at the men. He escaped afterwards with a stolen car.

The story could be taken from a movie: a 26 year old student from Munich parked his car on the premises of Hells Angels in Allershausen. He dropped his shorts and showed his backside before he procedded to throw a puppy at the puzzled bikers. He escaped onto the highway afterwards, where he found a vehicle at a construction site. The key was left in the car, so the student hit the road and drove towards Munich. Because he was driving very slowly, a five kilometre long traffic jam built behind him.

The 26 year old man stopped after 1 kilometre and changed into a lorry, whose driver gave him a lift until Eching, where his track was lost. But the police managed to quickly trace him down. Reason for his behaviour was possibly because of medication, which he was taking due to depression. The student was commited to a psychiatric institution.

The puppy is taken care of in an animal rescue centre.

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