Breakthrough in Stroke Recovery: Stem Cell Therapy Initiates Brain Regeneration

Sat 18th Jan, 2025

Recent research conducted by the Gladstone Institutes in collaboration with the regenerative medicine company SanBio has unveiled promising results regarding the use of stem cell therapy for brain recovery following an ischemic stroke. This therapy appears to enhance brain activity significantly, even when administered more than a month post-stroke.

In the United States, a stroke occurs every 40 seconds, and survivors of ischemic strokes often face severe long-term consequences, such as mobility issues, chronic pain, or epilepsy. This new study, published in Molecular Therapy, indicates that stem cell-derived therapies could offer hope to patients who have missed the critical early treatment window typically required for stroke interventions.

The research team, led by Dr. Jeanne Paz, has demonstrated that modified stem cells can significantly restore normal brain activity patterns, challenging the longstanding belief that effective treatment must be administered shortly after a stroke. Dr. Paz remarked on the potential of this therapy, noting that it could provide a viable option for patients who previously had no treatment alternatives available weeks or even months after their stroke.

The specific stem cells utilized in this study have undergone clinical development for over ten years, targeting strokes and traumatic brain injuries. Initial clinical trials had suggested that these cells might assist patients in regaining control over their limbs, although the exact mechanisms behind these improvements remained unclear.

In the study, researchers focused on the phenomenon of hyperexcitability in the brain, which can occur following ischemic strokes. This condition is characterized by an abnormal increase in neural activity, leading to complications such as seizures and movement disorders. Dr. Paz, along with her team, sought to explore whether the stem cell therapy could mitigate this hyperexcitability.

The experimental procedure involved administering modified human stem cells to rats one month after they experienced an induced stroke. Subsequent analysis of brain activity revealed a notable restoration of balance within neural networks and a decrease in hyperexcitability. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in increased levels of various proteins and cells essential for brain function and recovery.

Interestingly, despite the modified stem cells remaining in the rats' brains for a limited time post-injection, the positive effects on brain activity persisted. Dr. Barbara Klein, a principal scientist at SanBio and co-author of the study, highlighted that the stem cells seem to activate the brain's inherent repair mechanisms, suggesting a new opportunity for recovery even in chronic stroke cases.

In addition to observing changes in brain activity, researchers also analyzed the blood samples from the treated rats. This analysis uncovered a distinct combination of molecules involved in inflammation and brain health that returned to normal levels following therapy, further indicating the therapy's broad impact.

One of the central findings of this research is the revelation that interventions can still be effective even long after a stroke has occurred, opening new avenues for treatment in patients with chronic brain injuries. However, the research team acknowledges that further studies are required to ascertain whether the reduction in hyperexcitability directly correlates with improved symptoms in human patients.

Future research will aim to identify the specific molecules that play vital roles in the therapeutic effects of the stem cells. Such knowledge could facilitate the development of small-molecule drugs that mimic the beneficial outcomes observed with stem cell therapy.

The stem cells, known as SB623, have already received approval in Japan for treating chronic motor deficits resulting from traumatic brain injuries, and ongoing efforts are being made to gain approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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