Play Me, I'm Yours

Sun 19th May, 2013

The idea of PLAY ME I'M YOURS originated in 2008 in the mind of British artist Luke Jerran and he could little have imagined how big the idea would become. Now the event is in more than 30 cities - and who would ever have imagined the popularitly of pianos just appearing in public places.

This year's Munich celebration of open air music runs from May 4 to May 19 and you will likely hear the dulcet piano tones long before you will see the brightly painted pianos scattered around Munich. The project is supported in Munich by the non-profit organization "Musik mit Kinder e.V." (Music with Children) and the Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt (City Culture Department) and the Mayor, Christian Ude.

Over the next two weeks, 14 pianos have been placed around the city in various public places for anyone to play - whether you are Liberace, Rachmaninoff, or a Chopsticks hacker, they are there for you and the rest of the people in the public spaces.

Harry Reuss was at the keys in Wienerplatz and commented, "I love the idea - I could just sit here and play all day!" Harry was surrounded by coffee drinkers, families on bikes with ice-creams, and lederhosen-clad men having weisswurst and weissbier late in the morning. They all spontaneously applauded as Harry paused after a free-running medley of personal favorites.

The piano at Isartor looked a bit lonely amid all the construction work in the area, but soon a family came along and a young girl knocked out a few bars on the bright blue piano. As the tour groups formed up, there were many smiles among those out for the day as the piano notes competed with the city buzz.

You can post pictures of yourself and your friends playing these public pianos at
Flughafen Terminal 2
Geschwisterscholl Platz
Giesinger Bahnhof Kulturzentrum
Kulturhaus Neuperlach
Kulturzentrum Trudering
Mohr Villa
Father Rhine fountain
Walking piano
Wiener Platz

Go ahead - you are probably better than you think you are - and you will surely make some people smile.

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