New Semester Record at LMU: 61,552 Fresher Students

Tue 19th Oct, 2010

Munich. Yesterday the first semester started at Bavaria's Universities and they report record numbers of new students. With 61,552 first-year students (+4.2 percent) a new record was reached for Munich LMU. However, it has its consequences as the universities are overfilled; there are not enough auditoriums to cater for all the newcomers.

Additionally, the biggest wave of students is yet to come in 2011 (76,000) with the so-called double graduation school-year students.  Universities are faced with financial problems and find it difficult to conduct ongoing redevelopment work or even plan construction projects. University deans now think the power of the Bavarian universities and colleges in the state are at risk. In a letter to Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), they declare: "The system of the Free State and services for universities is under threat of imbalance." The presidents and deans of the Bavarian universities see problems in the financial state in view of the graduation year of 2011.

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