MVV Raises Prices by Over Four Percent
Ticket prices within the Munich Transport and Tariff Association (MVV) are on the rise. Starting with the timetable change in December, tickets will see an average increase of 4.3 percent. This decision was reached unanimously by the MVV shareholders, including the city of Munich, the state of Bavaria, and the districts within the association, on Wednesday. Similar to the previous year's price adjustment, the MVV's social ticket, the Isar Card S, will not see an increase in cost.
The decision was unanimous. According to MVV Managing Director Bernd Rosenbusch, this increase is moderate. "To continue providing comprehensive services within the MVV network, we cannot avoid adjusting ticket prices," he stated.
Rosenbusch pointed out that an increase of up to 10.8 percent would be necessary to compensate for the increased costs incurred by transportation companies within the MVV. These costs have risen due to inflation and significant wage increases, reaching up to nine percent within these companies.
"In the interest of the citizens, it is very pleasing that we are staying well below this," said Rosenbusch. The 4.3 percent increase is one of the lowest price hikes in public transportation in Germany this year. This keeps the MVV shareholders in line with the general price increases, ensuring that public transportation doesn't become a driver of inflation and remains a viable mobility alternative, explained the MVV CEO.
For comparison, in 2022, prices increased by an average of 6.9 percent, marking the highest increase in nearly 30 years. In 2021, ticket prices increased by only 3.7 percent, in 2020 by 2.8 percent, and in 2019, they actually decreased by an average of seven percent with the tariff reform.
Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD), Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the MVV, also sees no way around an increase. After intensive discussions, the shareholders have agreed to raise ticket prices, he announced. "This is necessary because we must partially cover inflation and significantly increased labor costs." The MVV shareholders have not come close to meeting the demands of transportation companies, keeping in mind the goal of a shift in transportation and the current system's quality standards. Stefan Hofmeir, spokesperson for the Munich Passenger Action Group, also finds the upcoming price increase acceptable from the passengers' perspective.
As of December 9, 2023, the new tariffs will take effect. Old tickets for zone or short-distance tariffs (single, daily, or strip tickets) can still be used until March 31, 2024. After that, customers can exchange them for the new price with an additional payment or receive a refund with a processing fee.
Many MVV users are not currently affected by the tariff adjustment. Approximately 300,000 out of a total of 415,000 subscribers to the Munich Transportation Company (MVG) use the Germany Ticket for 49 euros alone. Any adjustments to the Germany Ticket are decided by the federal government and the states, not the MVV.
Other annual payment subscriptions will continue unchanged until the end of the respective billing year without an additional charge. The price adjustment will take place at the beginning of the new billing year.
- The price of a single ticket for two zones will increase by 20 cents, from 3.70 euros to 3.90 euros.
- The price of a short-distance single ticket will remain unchanged at 1.90 euros.
- The child single ticket will continue to cost 1.80 euros.
- The strip ticket will increase from 16.30 euros to 17 euros, and the U21 strip ticket will increase from 8.90 euros to 9.30 euros.
- The price of the group day pass, for example, for zones M-5, will increase from 27.80 euros to 29.10 euros.
- The price of the single day pass for zone M or two zones will increase by 40 cents to 9.20 euros.
- The prices for the child day pass and the bicycle day pass will each increase by 10 cents to 3.60 euros and 3.40 euros, respectively.
- The Isar Card month for zone M or two zones will increase from 63.20 euros to 65.90 euros.
- The Isar Card weekly pass for zone M or two zones will be 21.10 euros instead of the previous 20.20 euros, while it will cost 71.60 euros instead of 68.60 euros for zones M-5.
- An Isar Card 9 a.m. monthly pass for zone M or two zones will cost 58.70 euros instead of 56.30 euros.
- An Isar Card 9 a.m. monthly pass for zones M-5 will cost 93.40 euros instead of 89.50 euros.
- An Isar Card 65 monthly pass for zone M or two zones will cost 55 euros, and for zones M-5, it will be 82.10 euros.
Simultaneously with the fare adjustment, the MVV tariff area will expand to include the districts of Miesbach, Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen (southern part), Rosenheim, and the independent city of Rosenheim. As a result, tariff zones 7 to 12, with their fares, will be added. For example, a trip from Munich city center to Lenggries or Rosenheim (zones M-7) will require nine strips for a total of 15.30 euros, and a group day pass for this area will cost 32.70 euros. Detailed information about the new fares will be published on in the coming days.
Arnulfpark Hauptbahnhof, © Muenchen Tourismus, Sigi Mueller
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