Low-income earners receive one-time payment of 200 euros

Wed 27th Apr, 2022

Recipients of social benefits are to receive a one-off payment of 200 euros in July due to the burden of the Corona pandemic. This is the result of a bill of the traffic light coalition, which the federal cabinet passed this Wednesday.

Originally, the coalition had only planned a one-time Corona payment of 100 euros. The amount was increased by another 100 euros at the end of March in the wake of further relief. All adults who receive unemployment benefit II, basic security or social assistance are to benefit.

The cabinet also approved a one-time payment of 100 euros for people who receive unemployment benefit I. According to the draft, all those who receive unemployment benefit I will be entitled to this payment. According to the draft, all those "who are entitled to unemployment benefits for at least one day in the month of July 2022" are to be entitled to this. Exactly when a transfer is to be expected initially remained open.

In addition, the bill provides that children are to receive a one-time bonus of 100 euros, which is to be paid out in addition to the child allowance via the family allowance offices. The bonus is to be offset against the child allowance so that it benefits families with less money to a greater extent.

According to the draft, all children in Germany who are entitled to child benefit are to benefit from the one-off payment from July onwards - according to information, refugee children from Ukraine are also among the beneficiaries.

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