Apartment blaze in Haidhausen
Tuesday night, around 23:30, the roof of a five-story residential building at Weißenburger Platz caught fire. The cause is still unknown. A neighbor alerted the fire department in Munich. The roof of the house, which is currently under renovation, had already collapsed when the firemen arrived.
According to the report from the Munich Fire Department, the forces were able to bring the fire under control relatively quickly. The fire-fighting measures were very difficult and expensive because the fire had spread to the rest of the roof via the ceilings.
The fire department evacuated people from the burning building and the neighboring property and took care of the 25 residents. No one was injured. Overall, more than 100 operational units of the Munich Fire Department attended the scene. The result of the fire caused property damage estimated at more than 100,000Eur.
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