Sexual Harrassment at Tax Office

Thu 14th Jan, 2010

Munich - As tax inspector, 48-year old Alfons G. was close to the top of the career ladder in the Munich tax office. But now he stands to lose it alll. He is accused of sexual harassment of young female civil servants on probation. In the administrative court he is fighting for his job, reports Muenchener Merkur .The regional civil service want to get rid of him in any case as "the trust was totally destroyed" they said in a statement to Muenchener Merkur. Five victims, all women from 20 to 27 years had complained about the tax inspector. Some of the women he had kissed in the hallway or in the office. He admits the unwanted kisses but he says they were meant only innocently. It is customary that he gives out birthdays kisses. To all? No, only women he knows very well. Then he admits that among all the "well known" women are mostly young pretty female civil servants. However some of the women he grabbed by their breasts or bottom. According to the acquisitions, he harassed women with lewd comments, text messages and messages on their worksstation. Once, he grabbed a young civil servant and lifted her up from her chair. The tax inspector often denies such accusations. The women involved will be heard as witnesses in the court. Next Wednesday the hearings will be continued.

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