Raid in Discothek in Schwabing

Wed 25th Aug, 2010

Munich. On early Monday morning, police raided the discotek Babalu in Schwabing which was supposed to have drug connections.

In the past few weeks there have been more and more statements that near the discothek on Leopoldstraße, multiple drug transactiond took place. During the 2 hour Raid a total of 117 people were checked and frisked. Three of them have charges pressed against them on connection with Narcotics Laws. Aside from that, 8 joints of marijuana and cannabis were found in the establishment but police were not able to link the posession of them to any of the people.

The owner can expect charges brought due to the law for the protection of youths as 5 teenagers were discovered there, who should not have been allowed to be there at this time.

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