Munich Security Conference Finished

Mon 24th Oct, 2011

The security conference in Munich caused some irritations and painful discussions on Saturday evening.

For instance, an irritation caused by the Russian delegation. Without opting out of the official dinner at Residenz with everyone else, the Russians decided to spend a happy evening drinking at the Franziskaner. "Bavaria is not offended" declared Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (38, CSU) on Sunday morning. "After all, the Russians came closer to the Bavarian culture by visiting the Franziskaner".

Consequently, their seats should have been frantically rearranged. That is why the dinner - smoked trout, beef tenderloin, apple tart - began half an hour late. The Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (60, CSU), host of the evening, held a short speech. Not quite as short was French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in his speech. Though Kouchner spoke French, hardly anyone took the headphones with the simultaneous translation. Quite a few closed their eyes, probably to concentrate better.

The former NATO Secretary-General received the Ewald-von-Kleist-Preis.

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