London Heathrow gives hope

Wed 19th May, 2010

Attaching. Since the new reports for the construction of a third runway in Munich are available, objections are arising again. The BI Attaching has already collected 1500 signatures on a petition. The planned third runway at London Heathrow which has now been stopped gives people hope.

Manfred Drobny, director of the organisation for nature protection, is satisfied: 4000 objections are lying in his office, a similar number to 2007 when objections against the construction were first collected.

The recent news that a third runway will not be built at London Heathrow airport, gives hope that a fight against an airport extension is not hopeless, adds Drobny. Europes biggest airport, London Heathrow, which handles 66 million passengers each year, was scheduled to have a third runway built as well. In circumstances similar to Munich, it was supposed to be working in 2020. However the new conservative-liberal coalition, which has been in power for a few days, has now stopped the planned extension. Prime Minister David Cameron has stopped the planned extension for Gatwick and Stansted as well, says Drobny.

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