Gaucks Driver Hits Cyclist
Munich. On wednesday the driver of Joachim Gauck, who is a candidate for federal presidency, hit a cylist and injured him severely.
According to the police, the cylist was riding along the cycle path at Wagmüllerstraße. He rode against the direction of traffic and steered between cars towards the street. The car, in which Joachim Gauck was sitting, could not brake in time and drove into the man. The cylist was hurled onto the windscreen and ended up on the rails of tram line 17. He was still unconscious when the rescue team arrived. The state of the cyclist's health is critical. Gauck and his chaffeur were not injured.
A small van obstructed the drivers view of the cylist. The accident happened at around 12 o'clock. Since then, the Wagmüllerstraße and tram line 17 have been closed. The cylist planned to turn into Unsöldstraße.
Gauck was picked up by personal security afterwards and brought to the airport. He will make his witness statement at a later point. Gauck's car was driven by a long-time driver (56) of the parliament who usually is the driver of chairman of the SPD, Markus Rinderspacher.
Gauck is currently in Munich to campaign votes in parliament for elections for the Bundestag. Gauck was on his way to the airport when the accident occured.
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