Deutsche Bahn increases security
Munich. The Deutsche Bahn plans to strengthen their customers' security. In the coming weeks the number of security employees is to be increased by around ten percent.
"The police statistics show that on the train people become victims of crime more often than in other public places", said Gerd Becht, the DB board member responsible for corporate security, in his statement.
Currently, Munich S-Bahn includes 280 employees with security responsibilities. The current actual police crime statistics in the metropolitan areas in Germany shows around 7500 offence cases per 100 000 residents, with 1500 brutality offences.
The presence of new security personnel will be to ensure a higher level of confidence for customers and as well as improved protection measures, according to a DB press release.
More than 160 million euros a year is invested in the safety of rail customers and employees. In addition to some 3,500 security forces in the DB there are roughly 3,000 service employees at the stations and 4000 customer service employees in transit trains over long distances. Another important factor for safety is 6500 video cameras, to monitor trains and train stations.
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