CDU politicians open to speed limits on motorways
In view of the energy crisis, parts of the CDU are open to a temporary speed limit on highways. Party Vice President Andreas Jung called in the "Bild" newspaper (Saturday) for a "power package for energy security and climate protection".
Without prohibitions on thinking, everything must be included that helps over the winter and saves CO2: "Energy-saving pact, nuclear energy, biomass ramp-up and temporary speed limit." The chairman of the climate protection committee, Thomas Gebhart (CDU), told the newspaper, "We cannot afford to reject certain options from the outset for party political reasons. For me, that also means: a temporary speed limit of 130 on motorways."
Green Party transport expert Stefan Gelbhaar welcomed the debate in the CDU on the speed limit, saying it was overdue. "So far, however, the CDU/CSU has still blocked every proposal for a speed limit in the transport committee, or at the latest in the Bundesrat," he told German Press Agency on Saturday. The Union should prove its seriousness here.
CDU politician Jung had said on Deutschlandfunk radio on Friday, "Personally, I would also be open to a temporary speed limit of 130 km/h on motorways in this situation. But for this it needs now an initiative of the Federal Government. It needs the chancellor." He would be willing to campaign for it in his party.
Asked about the attitude of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, he said, "That's where we come from elsewhere." But if a state of emergency is now looming and the Chancellor is collecting all the social forces, "then I think we should also be prepared to take such a step."
A general speed limit has been the subject of bitter debate for years. As a result of the war in Ukraine, it has now come back into focus - as a possible contribution to saving energy. In the traffic light coalition, the FDP is opposed to such a limit, which it had already rejected in the coalition negotiations.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) recently commented: "This government has not agreed on that, and that's why it's not happening."
Image by Roman Polyanyk