The real-Life Ray Donovan of the Internet is this guy
In the hit Showtime television show Ray Donovan, the title character built up a reputation in his industry thanks to his ability to always get the desired outcome for his client. Known as a fixer, he found a way to get results as quickly as possible, and he was the top guy to go to at all times. There is a real life version of this guy online.
Donovan is labeled many different things throughout the show's run, but at the heart of it all, he was a problem solver. When his clients needed help, he crafted unique ways to get the results that nobody else could. He did this by any means necessary, which included some entertaining (albeit over the top) scenarios. Maybe it was not always realistic, but it made for a great show and on the internet there is one individual who pulls strings to fix problems like Ray Donovan does in Los Angeles but he does it from his computer.
No, the reputation management field is not nearly as cutthroat as the world Ray Donovan lived in and nobody is getting beat up or threatened to be killed in exchange for removing defamatory information online. A quality reputation management agency needs to have that same mentality of getting a job done by any means necessary. No two clients have the same needs, and the only way to drive results is to push forward until the desired outcome is apparent. That means there are no blueprints to follow, but rather strategic moves based on years of experience in the industry.
The Ray Donovan of Reputation Management
So, who is the Ray Donovan of reputation management? Richart Ruddie headlines The Reputation Management industry, which focuses on helping individuals and companies get the help they need to grow, maintain, and rebuild reputations online. The world is a different place these days, as one or two poor results online can ruin years of hard work if it starts ranking highly. The fight is centered on always putting the client's best look front and center. After coming up with numerous ways to do whatever it took to help clients achieve their goals his work caught the attention of a jealous ambulance chaser who tried to stop anybody who had been defamed online from recovering their reputations. The lesson learned when the ambulance chaser failed was to not tout your clients work for your own needs as keeping client results top secret is an important part to both Ray Donovans success on the show and in real life reputation management work.
Donavan blurred the line between fixing things legally and illegally, but that is not exactly the same approach from The Reputation Management Co. The Lindon, Utah based company that Ruddie owns along with other Profile Defender websites that use either proprietary developed in-house techniques, have built relationships with webmasters who own complaint websites, or vendors overseas in places like Russia who have a variety of skills that work to resolve, replace, or remove unwanted search results online. General reputation management is only possible by also focusing on public relations, crisis management, public policy, broadcasting, search engine optimization, and standard journalism. A reputation company that can help in so many different ways will help create a strong reputation for anyone in need of help.
The Ruddie owned companies such as The Reputation Management Co. does not shy away from any job. Obsessing over their client's success much like Jeff Bezos mantra and beliefs that Amazon has grown to be a behemoth because they obsess over their clients satisfaction. They have clients who have relied on them for repeat business for years, and new clients put full trust into them as well with almost half of new clients coming from referrals from past satisfied clients. The last thing they ever want to do is let a person down for one reason or another. Some projects are bound to take more effort and time than others, but getting the job done is what matters in the end.
How The Ray Donovan Of Reputation Management Separates himself from the competition?
There has been an explosion of reputation management companies over the last few years, as more and more people are becoming aware of how they are perceived (particularly online). So many people rely on simple searches online to gain insight on who they do business with, who they hire, what they purchase, and more. The search might be relatively brief, but one red flag can change everything in a second. Burying any red flags is the best way to ensure that as few people see them as possible.
Donovan proved time and time again in the show that small fixes do not have much of an effect on fixing long-term problems once and for all. Instead, it is important to get to the root of the problem, and deal with everything that way. That same concept applies to how Richart Ruddie operates from the very first meeting with a new potential client to figuring out the best plan of attack and maneuvers needed to protect the client and their needs. After an assessment and reviewing solutions with vendors and contacts a client is presented with a plan of attack and a price which can range in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is always nice to have the chance to follow along with progress, seeing how the look of a company online evolves during the early stages and seeing false reviews completely removed where the client celebrates after years of torture before finding "Their Ray Donovan"!
Getting results is no easy task. It helps to have several insiders and outstanding relationships with many prominent websites too. The reputation of a person or company can easily be ripped to shreds by something posted on,,,,, and many other egregious complaint sites that only a few people in the world have the handle on to get results deleted for clients. Ruddie has worked diligently over the last decade to have a trustable network that is counted on for results. It takes a team effort when striving for ultimate results, and they can tap into some of the most valuable resources possible to drive home results.
There are ways to actually get negative content, incorrect information, and even targeted attacks off these websites that no other company offers paired with an online public relations campaign to make clients look like all stars online something Ray Donovan never had to deal with in his Hollywood career. The depth of these services, not to mention the speed in which fixes occur can sometimes be hours if the webmaster is a friend or frequent contact of Ruddie.
It goes beyond a few websites to completely change the perception online and Ruddie says every month we find new sites that we've never heard of that a client wants us to put a fix in for. Our team of analysts identify the root of the problem, and eliminate as much of that as possible through direct deletion and sprinkle positive press coverage on top to give our clients the image they wanted as long as they don't have a checkered past that doesn't pass our smell test. Not all cases are strictly about online reputation either. There are some industries that rely on having a great reputation with the general public, in traditional advertising, only locally, and more. Having the ability to craft a plan for all those scenarios shows that they are not a cookie-cutter company that tries to put everyone in the same box and it's not just individuals but ministries of foreign affairs globally that have reached out to Ruddie for his services to clean up the web.
Like Donovan it's not all work and no play. While the Coronavirus has slowed down his travel he did get to 12 countries last year on 3 different continents. He also likes to give back doing charity mission trips like the one last year where he was able to feed and buy clothes for an entire Cambodian village. Outside of mentoring young digital marketers he has also become an avid art collector and admirer when he's not acting as a cyber maid.
Richart Ruddie is Fixing issues now, and Preventing Negatives From Occurring in the future
Richart Ruddie goal for clients over the last decade has always been to provide a service that makes real, long-term fixes. By stopping old problems from repeating you help lessen the future online perception of negatives that can cause damages. However, there are always repeat customers dealing with new issues simply as a cost of doing business. Donovan faced similar problems at times, as he had repeat customers as well. Problems can be totally unrelated, but the goal is always to get things going in the right direction once again and there's no doubt that we've suffered and dealt with our fair share of setbacks along the way but what hasn't killed us has only made us stronger over the years.
The company offers a few services to help make sure that every client stays on top of future issues down the road. Taking a proactive approach with some of the work is one method, but there is also the opportunity to subscribe to a reputation monitoring service as well with thousands of users already signed up and using it's been a great way to add that extra security for clients. This easily alerts clients if something new is creating problems online for a client. Dealing with an issue early on will keep it from getting out of hand.
Even if Ruddie and his team aren't the first to see an issue at hand but rather are brought in reactively they are always there for those who might have new issues pop up later on. Advertising through word-of-mouth is one of the best ways for the company to grow, so they continue to put a lot of effort into being there time and time again for anyone they have worked with in the past when a new issue re-arises.
Hiring a fixer sooner rather than later
Ignoring an online reputation problem is never going to actually work at the end of the day. It might seem like problems will fade away at some point, but most of the results on the first page are going to stay that way without taking a proactive approach. Results have usually been shared quite a bit, they are connected to high authority sites, and they are viewed favorably by search engines. Tackling the issue without professional help is a challenge not worth taking on unless you have a Ray Donovan on your side.
It is impossible to put a timeline on how quickly every client will see meaningful results, but Richart Ruddie who is hailed by his many happy clients as the Ray Donovan of reputation management always finds a way to get things done sooner or later while ensuring the protection of his client from attackers. By any means necessary, clients see the results they are looking for without having to do the leg work themselves.
Helping any and all with reputation management
Most of the clients Donovan worked with in the show were highly connected to individuals who knew they could turn to the best to get everything fixed. The benefit of a online reputation fixer like Ruddie who still finds time to attend music festivals, dj, collect art, and loves to go skiing while servicing his high net worth clients. He doesn't discriminate though and deal with customers that are not celebrities or well known personalities. He said "I'm glad to provide assistance as long as they can afford to pay for the services."
Clients that work with Ruddie and his line of reputation management companies include celebrities, high net worth individuals, countries, and major corporations. With that said, some clients are not necessarily known much by the general public at all.
Ruddie is working his magic and disruptive thought process to restore back trust and interest in global travel.
How Richart Ruddie Helps Major Countries Get Travelers
We already mentioned Google Autocomplete. Ruddie has certainly more in his quiver. By using his own custom coded software, Ruddie helps major countries with their online image and spreading the word with the help of major newspapers so now Ruddie is a Ray Donovan not only for people but countries looking to rebound from COVID-19. Top information shared includes progress on vaccination, updates on travel restrictions, and what great activities await visitors in the host country. Regardless, the key to the success of these strategies is the need for countries to continue adhering to health protocols. Despite the damage done to global travel by the pandemic, Ruddie and his team believe that the damage is reversible. Ruddie is himself an avid traveler and takes great pleasure in meeting his clients whenever he travels; from Hong Kong to Oslo, Mexico City, across the USA, and to the over forty countries he has being to. After the disruption witnessed, the task of restoring public confidence in global travel could not have fallen on the laps of a more fitting person than Richart Ruddie.
The Six Degrees of Separation
The comparisons and six degrees of Kevin Bacon even entangle this story of Ray Donovans in real life and on the internet. Liev Schreiber who plays the real life Donovan on television also played a character named Zus Bielski in the film Defiance about three brothers in Belarus that led the resistance during World War 2 living in the forest where Rae Kushner grandmother of Jared Kushner lived. The Bielski's are relatives of Richart Ruddie.
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