The Long Night of Music
Munich. About 20,000 people celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Long Night of Music on Saturday night, 8th of May. During the Long Night of Music, the city provideed a great diversity of music styles and nice locations with a very unique atmosphere.
You could choose from cool to cosy and anything in between. More than 100 clubs, restaurants, bars, concert halls and even churches opened their doors to welcome the music-loving audience. With up to 400 concerts taking place on one single evening, many experienced a fantastic night in which they were able to select their favourite events depending on their own individual music taste.
The Long Night of Music ticket price was 15'‚¬, which included the entrance to all venues and the use of the shuttle service of the MVG. There were shuttlebus routes to all the locations. Even though the celebration of music is officially held from 8 PM to 3 AM, there were several locations that extended their parties.
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