Temperatures rise again up to 34 degrees

Sun 21st Aug, 2022

Breathe easy at the beginning of the week - then the temperatures in Germany climb in many places again to midsummer 26 to 34 degrees. "After the low Karin gave parts of Germany rain, sometimes in large quantities, is now again high Piet in pole position," said meteorologist Lars Kirchhübel of the German Weather Service in Offenbach on Sunday. The drought, especially in western Germany, continues with no prospect of relief.

The offshoot of the Azores high Piet dominates the weather in large parts of Western and Central Europe in the next few days, the weather expert said. "However, there are always scrambles in the fringes in Germany as well." Atlantic lows such as Lavinia tried between Iceland and Norway with their foothills to advance to the mainland. In the process, however, mostly only the northwest of Germany and the coastal regions would be touched.

From the Oder and Neisse rivers to the Erz Mountains and in southeastern Bavaria, however, denser cloud fields and low precipitation must be expected. Responsible for this is a high reaching low over the Balkan region. Short showers are also possible in the Black Forest, he said. "In the large rest of the country, High Piet can largely hold its ground, although it shifts its center of gravity to Denmark towards the new week," the meteorologist stressed.

It remains too dry. According to the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, August as a whole - apart from a few areas in eastern Germany - will be significantly too dry compared to the multi-year average. Especially in the west and south, the deviations are significant.

The Black Forest, the High Rhine and the Allgäu to the Bavarian Forest would probably not have major problems due to the high rainfall of the past few days. "A look at Rhineland-Palatinate, the southern half of Hesse, the western half of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Franconia shows a different picture," Kirchhübel said. In the past 30 days, only about ten percent of the usual precipitation fell in some places. "At individual stations, no precipitation at all has been measured in August." Würzburg, for example.

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