Operator Fined for Concealing Shooting Incident at Event Hall

Wed 12th Mar, 2025

An event hall operator in Berlin-Wedding has been fined for attempting to cover up a shooting incident that occurred in his establishment. A court ruling from the Tiergarten district court concluded that the 45-year-old man engaged in obstruction of justice by fabricating a robbery story to explain the injuries of an employee.

The shooting incident took place on December 21, 2023, when two workers were conducting electrical repairs in the hall. During their work, one of the workers discovered a firearm, which accidentally discharged, injuring his 30-year-old colleague with a gunshot wound to the upper arm.

Following the incident, the hall operator transported the injured man to a hospital. However, he later misled the police by claiming that the injury occurred during a robbery on the street, asserting that the victim had called him for help after being shot by an unknown assailant. This false narrative was aimed at protecting the reputation of the event hall, as the operator feared that the association with gunfire would deter potential guests.

The court imposed a monetary penalty of 1,050 euros, translating to 70 daily rates of 15 euros each. This decision was reached despite the prosecution's request for a more severe sentence of 90 daily rates. The defense argued for a lesser penalty, acknowledging that the operator's false statements had caused unnecessary complications for law enforcement.

As a result of the shooting, the individual who accidentally fired the weapon was previously convicted of negligent bodily harm and received a six-month suspended sentence. The event hall operator, who has since ceased being the operator of the venue and is now a recipient of social benefits, expressed regret over his actions, admitting that he understood the implications of his misleading statements.

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