Italian Island Raises Tourist Fees - Impacting 18,000 Visitors Daily

Mon 29th Apr, 2024

Image by Falco from PixabayItaly is grappling with the challenges of mass tourism, with Venice serving as a prominent example. However, concerns about the influx of holidaymakers and its repercussions extend beyond the northern regions to the south of the country. The picturesque island of Capri is the latest to address these issues by implementing price adjustments.

Tourist prices in Italy are on the rise as Capri doubles its landing fee. During the peak season, approximately 18,000 tourists disembark on this jewel off the coast of Campania every day, outnumbering the island's 15,000 inhabitants. On weekends, this number can triple, exacerbating the strain on Capri's resources. In response, the island is taking steps to better manage the influx of visitors.

Capri has decided to raise the landing fee from 2.50 to five euros for tourists arriving on ferries from Sorrento or Naples between April and October. This adjustment, though seemingly small, can significantly impact travelers considering the high volume of visitors. According to reports from the APA news agency, Capri anticipates an additional income of four million euros this year as a result of this measure.

Franco Cerrotta, the deputy mayor of Anacapri, explains that the revenue generated from the increased fees will help cover expenses incurred by locals during the tourist season due to the overwhelming number of visitors. Additionally, Capri officials hope that the higher fees will encourage more visitors to explore the island during the winter months when prices are lower, between October and April. This move aligns with similar efforts in various holiday regions across Italy aimed at managing mass tourism through price adjustments.

Meanwhile, on the mainland in the northern region, a more contentious measure has been introduced. Train ticket prices to the Cinque Terre holiday region have doubled during July and August, as well as on weekends from March and all public holidays. As per calculations by the APA, a ticket for the six-kilometer journey from Riomaggiore to Manarola now costs ten euros instead of the previous five.

Despite efforts to mitigate the impacts of mass tourism, criticism persists, particularly from those involved in the tourism industry. Many argue that the increased prices disadvantage tourism and affect families and day-trippers from within Italy. The Committee of Associations of the Cinque Terre plans to challenge the fare increase through legal means. Criticism against price hikes has been especially vocal in Venice, where locals have taken to the streets to protest against the introduction of day tickets.

Image by Falco from Pixabay


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