Green Party Proposes Nighttime U-Bahn Service on Weekends in Munich

Sat 30th Sep, 2023

The Munich U-Bahn (subway) system may soon operate during the nighttime on weekends, at least if the Green Party has its way. Two years ago, the City Council, following proposals from the CSU (Christian Social Union) and the Green Party, decided to develop a corresponding concept. However, nighttime U-Bahn service has not been implemented yet. Now, the Green Party is making a new proposal, aiming to introduce nighttime service on weekends starting in December 2024.

According to older estimates, the nighttime operation would cost two million euros per year, which the city would subsidize. The proposed operation would include the U-Bahn lines U1 to U6 running at 30-minute intervals during the nights from Friday to Saturday, Saturday to Sunday, and nights before holidays. The two lines would run 15 minutes apart.

At the central stations Hauptbahnhof, Sendlinger Tor, and Odeonsplatz, passengers would have connecting services to other U-Bahn lines. Additionally, the nighttime tram network would expand, and the nighttime bus network would align with the new U-Bahn nighttime routes.

"This benefits night owls, shift workers, and travelers alike," says Mayor Katrin Habenschaden (Green Party). "It simply doesn't fit a major international city like Munich to shut down its most crucial transportation system at night."

CSU City Council member Sebastian Schall comments, "The fact that Green-Red is now looking to ensure financing is good news. In a major city, public transportation should work around the clock."

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