Dispute about the end of the mask requirement in buses and trains
The advance from Schleswig-Holstein to end the obligation to wear masks on buses and trains met with a mixed response in federal politics. The health policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Andrew Ullmann, told the "Welt": "We advocate a mask recommendation instead of a mask requirement. Because citizens can protect themselves and make their own decisions. "The health policy spokesman for the Greens in the Bundestag, Janosch Dahmen, rejected a relaxation of the mask requirement in local transport as well as the lifting of the isolation requirement for corona infected people announced by four federal states.
"There are no new, medically evident reasons why there should now be a deviation from the segregation and isolation obligations provided for by law so far or, however, the mask obligation in local transport," Dahmen told Die Welt. On the contrary, the "consistent interruption of corona infection chains and the reduction of infection risks" is extremely important against the background of a strong increase in seasonal respiratory diseases in the coming months.
The Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther (CDU), is seeking not to extend the mandatory wearing of masks on buses and trains beyond the end of the year. He wants to achieve as uniform a regulation as possible for this in talks with the other states, he said on Friday. Günther appealed to personal responsibility: "With symptoms, you stay at home." He hopes that other countries will follow this course, which is responsible.
In accordance with the Infection Protection Act, the federal states can decide whether masks are mandatory on local trains. For long-distance trains, a nationwide mask obligation applies. On Friday, Schleswig-Holstein, together with Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Hesse, had already announced that it would abolish the compulsory isolation for people infected with Corona.
Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil, on the other hand, is opting for a cautious course. "Even if we all wish otherwise, the pandemic is not over. This is proven not least by the relatively high death toll that we continue to record," the SPD politician told Die Welt newspaper. "In the cold season, experience shows that the problems also become even greater. Against this background, we will remain cautious in Lower Saxony."
Photo by Chapman Chow
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