Decision Due on University Fees

Thu 22nd Jul, 2010

The Senate of Munich's Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) plan to make a decision regarding the amount of study fees in the meeting on thursday. At the moment one semester costs 500 Euro, student representatives hope for a decrease to 300 Euro.

LMU has over 45,000 students, the biggest university in Bavaria and one of the biggest nationwide. To improve the financial situation of the university, fees were implemented in the summer of 2007, under massive criticism from the students. Initially the study fees at LMU were 300 Euro, for the summer semester of 2008 it was increased to 500 Euro. The universities decide themselves how much the fees should be.

The LMU articles of association was scheduled for an evaluation commission 3 years after the implemention, to detail a report as to how the money was used.  The review of that report is part of the meeting on Thursday. According to information from the "Müncher Merkur" on wednesday, the commission recommended the continuation of the 500 Euro fees. LMU president Bernd Huber previously showed a sceptical view of a decrease in the fees.

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