Lauterbach warns of delta mutation
Worrying forecast from SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach. The politician firmly expects that the so-called delta variant of the coronavirus will also spread in Germany. In the fall, there could be more infections - and thus a new wave - as a result. In the television broadcast "rbb Spezial" Lauterbach explained: "I am quite sure that we will also get the delta variant in Germany". But why does Lauterbach assume this thesis?
So far, the delta mutation of the corona virus has been relatively quiet in Germany. However, this variant is considered to be particularly contagious and apparently manifests itself in different symptoms than the previous corona forms. For this reason, researchers have been advising people to take a corona test for every type of cold as a precaution. In addition, the delta variant appears to be partially resistant to the vaccines approved in Germany to date. Only with the second vaccination one has quite certainly a protection against "Delta".
For this reason, Lauterbach also appealed to the entire population at rbb to be fully vaccinated as soon as possible. This is particularly urgent, he said, because autumn is fast approaching and, according to Oxford University, the seasonality of the variant plays a much greater role than first suspected. According to the study, far fewer people become infected in the summer than in late spring. "I hope that by then so many of us will have been doubly vaccinated that there won't be such a big wave," Lauterbach fears.
In a tweet today, Karl Lauterbach once again drew attention to the explosive nature of the delta variant. The health expert of the Social Democrats wrote: "In the USA, the share of the Indian delta variant is now already 20%. The total incidence is converted at about 35 and hardly decreasing. The vaccination rate is only slowly increasing. There is, unfortunately, a perfect storm building up for the fall." In the United Kingdom, "delta" is already the most widespread Corona mutation and recently replaced the "alpha" variant.
Corona: Lauterbach warns of mutation: "Delta variant" on the rise in other countries
According to British health authorities, the Corona variant Delta is probably 60 percent more contagious than Alpha - and another problem is emerging. The delta mutation could be far more dangerous to children than the previous corona mutants. Lauterbach told rbb: "Especially with the delta variant, we have seen in England that of the infected children, one percent become so severely ill that they have to be treated in hospital. That is no small matter." The demand of the SPD health politician: also make children an offer of vaccination.And other experts and politicians are already worried about the spread of the Corona variant "Delta". Among other things, the health ministers of the federal and state governments are holding a conference today to discuss stricter entry rules for vacation returnees during the summer holidays*. Here, too, the highly contagious Delta variant plays an important role.
Image by Wilfried Pohnke