Brandenburg Proposes Prohibition on Private Ownership of Dangerous Animals

Wed 22nd May, 2024

Image by F. Muhammad from PixabayPrime Minister Dietmar Woidke of Brandenburg has announced intentions to swiftly implement a ban on the private ownership of hazardous animals in the region. This declaration came following an animal protection summit held in Potsdam on Wednesday. Woidke emphasized the paramount importance of safeguarding individuals while ensuring animals are housed in environments suitable to their species.

The prohibition targets creatures such as lions, large felines, venomous snakes, and poisonous spiders. By enacting the Dangerous Animals Ordinance, Brandenburg aims to address a regulatory gap, a measure already in place in twelve other federal states. Nonetheless, the specific timeline for its enforcement remains uncertain. Additionally, the regulation will eliminate breed-specific lists for dogs, opting instead for an expanded identification system.

Last summer's global attention was drawn to Kleinmachnow during the search for a presumed lioness, which turned out to be a wild boar. This incident heightened calls for urgent action, according to Woidke. Rico Lange, chairman of the State Animal Welfare Association, stressed the necessity of preventing unregulated private ownership of any animal in Brandenburg.

However, the implementation date for the ban remains undetermined. Ministry spokesman Martin Burmeister cited pending requirements, including the compilation of a dangerous species list by the Ministry of the Environment and husbandry regulations by the Ministry of Consumer Protection.

Woidke had previously announced plans for a comprehensive ban on private ownership of dangerous animals in November. Berlin already enforces a similar prohibition on certain wild and exotic animals.

Regarding canine regulations, Brandenburg intends to abolish breed-specific lists. Instead, local authorities will evaluate individual cases based on behavior to determine potential risks. Woidke underscored that dog danger assessments should no longer be contingent on specific breeds. Additionally, the identification mandate will extend to all dogs, with provisions to maintain bans on particularly aggressive breeding lines. These new dog ownership regulations are slated to replace existing ones effective July 1st.

Furthermore, there are plans to allocate additional resources to support animal welfare initiatives. The state government has earmarked EUR100,000 this year for the sterilization of stray cats, with a proposed increase to EUR150,000 championed by the Consumer Protection Ministry, led by Ursula Nonnemacher of the Greens.

In addition to enhanced support for animal shelters, the state animal protection officer Anne Zinke has called for increased funding for animal protection following the September state elections.

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay


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