Gauck visits Munich

The designated new president of Germany Joachim Gauck visited Munich today. Gauck introduced himself to the delegates from Bavaria in the electoral college (Bundesversammlung) which will vote the president on March 18th in Berlin. The assembly consist of all members of the national parliament (Bundestag) and same number of members elected by the parliaments of the federal states. It´s usual that also non-politicians are elected. The CSU nominated the former Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber, SPD and Green the actress Senta Berger and musician Hans Well, former head of Biermösl Blosn, a famous folk band.

This time Gauck is nominated by a wide coalition reigning of CDU/CSU and FDP as well as SPD and Green Party and is also supported by the Bavarian Freie Wähler. Gauck was already candidat by SPD and Green in 2010 when former president Christian Wulff was elected.