VW Bus Sinks in Pond

Tue 8th Jun, 2010

Notzing. A VW van sank in a pond in Notzing on monday evening. The woman inside was able to escape from the sinking van in time.

An elderly couple from Erding were driving to the pond in Notzing with their camper, to feed ducks. While the 71 year old driver parked the van near an embankment and left the car, his wife stayed inside. The pensioner apparently forgot to put on the hand brake and the car started to roll backwards into the water. The man managed to save his wife, but the car sunk completely - only air bubbles indicating where the van sank.

Two divers, Lydia Saalfrank and Edgar Scholz were able to locate the car quickly. "They attached a rope to get the wreck out", says Ippisch. Using a winch around a tree and with a tractor pulling, the bus emerged from the water. The car was filled with water and dangerously close to falling on its side, but the fire brigade stabilised it.

The couple were uninjured but the car however was written off.

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