Saxony faces possible lockdown
Saxony's seven-day incidence is over 1000 - the highest since the pandemic began. Covid-19 intensive care patients were transferred to other states on Thursday, as Saxony's hospitals have run out of capacity.
Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer believes bed occupancy with Covid 19 patients will increase dramatically in the coming weeks. "We are now preparing to transfer patients to other federal states. There is still that possibility. We will use that, also to take precautions. We can hardly influence the ongoing development."
In view of the dramatic situation, Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) has spoken out in favor of a lockdown. This should apply not only to the unvaccinated but to everyone.
"I don't see any other option at the moment," she said Thursday in Dresden. The lockdown is "urgently needed," she added.
Ketschmer is also open to a lockdown. He told the Saxon newspaper, "The danger cannot be dismissed. It will only be preventable if there is a collective understanding and common awareness to avoid contacts and comply with the measures."
Education Minister Christian Piwarz (CDU) supports his coalition partner's push. He, too, considers a lockdown to be an option in Saxony in light of the infection outbreak. However, Piwarz advocates not closing schools and daycare centers.
Homeschooling is thus to be avoided. Piwarz sees this as a compromise proposal for the next measures to contain the unmanageable infection incidence in the Free State.
But the culture minister also points to the legal situation: The amended Infection Protection Act would have to be adapted to introduce a lockdown for all citizens. So far, this would only be possible for the unvaccinated.
Image by Queven