Olympic Games 2018 Update

Tue 16th Feb, 2010

Vancouver.  In the latest development in the application for the 2018 Olympics, Munich clearly won the European battle against the French competitor Annecy.

Munich presented clear concepts with strong arguments that persuaded the world press on Monday in Vancouver.

"We have proved to the world by hosting the FIFAWorld Cup that we can host safe, peaceful and friendly big events. The Chancellor, the German government and the parliament stand united behind the application" said Interior Minister Thomas de Maizià¨re to dpa (German Press Agency), and emphasized the great public support for the ambitious project.

More than 75 percent of Germans would like to see the spectacle in Bavaria.  Munich has to submit all application documents and warranty statements to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as well as its competitors by 15 March 2010.

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