Construction Defects at Waste Company
Munich. The underground car park of the waste disposal company at Georg-Brauchle-Ring in Munich has to be restructured.
The waste company is not even twelve years old and is already in need of restoration. After a broken garage roof and tiles that couldn't take the weight of trucks, now the underground garage has to be renovated. It is estimated to cost a total of 14 million Euro. "The headquarters of the waste company can dispose of itself", rants Munichs CSU chairman Josef Schmid.
Apparent cause of the damage is salt, which is sprinkled in winter. If it's mixed with water, it corrodes the steel reinforcements in the concrete walls and ceilings of the garage. The surface layering and sealing are insufficient. CSU deputy Hans Podiuk says "I'm interested to know if the citizens of Munich end up paying for this sloppiness through garbage fee increases.".
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