Church thief caught

Mon 19th Apr, 2010

Munich.  An attentive witness alerted the police regarding a 48 year old man who allegedly stole money from the church.  The police are currently investigating all potential locations of theft from churches in the area.

The police arrested a 48 year old unemployed man, who stole from offertory boxes in Oberbayern. According to the officials the witness caught him in the act as he was trying to break into the priest's office at 12.40 AM on sunday. The man fled the scene but the witness chanced upon him again in Feldmoching and called the police, who arrested the man from Munich.

Meanwhile the police received news about a break-in, in a church in Moosach. When questioned the man admitted the crime as well as several other crimes in Oberbayern. He was not able to give specific locations and the police are now trying to locate the places where the other crimes occured.

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