Bavaria does not want mandatory vaccination for nursing staff
For the time being, Bavaria does not want to implement the facility-based vaccination requirement for nursing staff, which is scheduled to take effect in mid-March. He is in favor of proceeding "generously" here, "which de facto amounts to a suspension of enforcement," said CSU leader and Prime Minister Markus Söder on Monday following a meeting of the CSU executive in Munich. "For how many months will then be seen," he added, at least initially for some time, "to make the whole thing reasonable."
The so-called facility-based vaccination obligation, which is actually supposed to take effect from March 15, was anchored in the Infection Protection Act. Specifically, it states that by March 15, employees must provide their employer with proof of vaccination or convalescence, or a certificate stating that they cannot be vaccinated. If the proof is not provided, the health department must be notified. This can, if despite subsequent request no proof is presented within a time limit, issue a ban on entering or working in the clinic or care facility.
The implementation of mandatory vaccination for nursing staff has recently been the subject of debate. For example, in an interview with the F.A.Z., Diakonie head Ulrich Lilie accused the federal government and the states of a lack of professionalism in the implementation - although he is in favor of the obligation. Söder himself had demanded in the interview with the F.A.S., a postponement of the partial vaccination obligation should be examined. "Because otherwise threatens an overload of the health system alone by the migration of nursing staff because of the vaccination obligation."
As several media reported unanimously on Monday, Söder also plans to relax a whole series of Corona restrictions. For example, restaurants are to be allowed to open again without time limits in the future, and the curfew - currently still 10 p.m. - is to be lifted.
Decisions on this could come as early as Tuesday in the cabinet. "We have only one-third of the occupancy of intensive care beds as we had comparably with the fourth wave of Delta," Söder said Monday on ZDF's Morgenmagazin. "And that's the crucial thing." Restrictions are right, he said, when the health care system is extremely burdened. "But this is currently not the case with Omicron."
At sporting and cultural events in the Free State, even more spectators are to be permitted in the near future, according to the information. Accordingly, a spectator capacity of up to 50 percent is to be permitted again at sporting events. In stadiums and at major sporting events, the limit is currently 25 percent. In addition, according to Söder, a maximum limit of 15,000 spectators will then apply. The current limit is 10,000.
For cultural events, a capacity utilization of up to 75 percent is to be permitted again; the current maximum is 50 percent. In both areas, however, the 2-G-plus rule and the FFP2 mask requirement are to remain in place.
In the future, body-related services such as hairdressers or nail salons should again be possible for visitors with a negative Corona test. According to dpa information, Söder announced that the 3-G rule should apply here again. This means that unvaccinated persons or persons who do not have proof of recovery will once again be able to use the services. Currently, the 2-G rule still applies here.
Söder had already made himself strong on the weekend for relaxations. "The consistent use of FFP2 masks allows the withdrawal of contact restrictions," Söder wrote on Facebook on Sunday. "For this, the federal government must present a step-by-step plan." The prerequisite, he said, is that the clinics are not overloaded.
Image by ronstik from Pixabay