Tourism on the rise
Tourism in Bavaria is still on the rise. In the first half year 2012 the number of incoming went up 6.2 % compared to record year 2011 with now almost EUR14 million. "The number of over-night stays went up 5.8% to EUR37.5 million Katja Hessel, Secretary of State for Economics: "Holidays in Bavaria is trendy." Hessel reminded that the criticized decision of the federal government of CDU/CSU and FDP to lower VAT for hotel accommodation from 19% to 7% show positive effects. Many hotels used this money to improve quality.
All regions showed a rise. On top Mittelfranken (central Frankonia) with +7.7% incoming and +8.2% over night stays. Having her constituency in Nuremberg, Hessel emphasized this year´s "jewels" in Frankonia, the Dürer exhibition in Nuremberg, the 'Landesgartenschau' (garden show) and anniversary of the dome in Bamberg.
Engine of growth is once again tourism from abroad. Incoming grew 11.2% (overnight stays 10.3%). Especially tourism from Asia went up. (Arab Gulf states +43.4% and 26,9 over night, Japan +27.3% - 20.2%) and Russia +31.1% - 32.8%).