Prices at the Oktoberfest

Thu 27th May, 2010

Munich. How much does one hour in a beer tent at the Oktoberfest cost? For the first time reservation prices were published in advance.

It is Interesting how much money you have to pay for coupons to get one of the places in high demand. The tourism office calculated how expensive one hour of the Oktoberfest is going to be - with surprising results.

After last years dispute about the high costs of reservations, the city demanded that the innkeepers, for the first time ever, publish the reservation details.

In large tents, one hour of the Oktoberfest costs an average of 7.20 Euro, in smaller tents, 10.27 Euro. The most expensive tents will be the wine tent and 'Kà¤fers Wiesnschà¤nke': 80 Euro per person for one evenings reservation. In the wine tent that means from 8.30 PM to 1 AM, which means an hourly rate of 17.78 Euro per person. The Kà¤fer tent costs 15.24 per hour between 7.15 PM and 0.30 AM.
The classic Wiesn tents are relatively cheap in comparison: the tent of Schottenhamel costs 27.10 Euro per reservation from noon to 10.30 PM, only 2.58 Euro per hour.

Smaller tents are not cheaper by default: 3.85 Euro per hour at the Schichtl tent between12 and 6.30 PM is one of the cheapest ones. If you want a seat in the Ammer tent, you will have to pay 55 euro, 12.22 per hour, between 10.30 PM and 12.30 PM, between 1 AM and 3 AM the hour costs 12.50 Euro, which is the average price for medium tents.

Ammer-host Josef Schmiedbauer explained the difference last year : "We offer a very different service than the bigger tents. We have napkins and tablecloths made of fabric. One waiter serves 25 guests and they expect the staff to speak german."

The spokesman of the smaller tents, Hanns-Werner Glöckle explains: "We have much higher costs per person than the bigger innkeepers." Last year the evening reservation for the Ammer tent was 68 Euro. Wiesn director Gabriele Weishà¤upl commented that "The publication of the reservation details seems to yield fruit."

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