No More Lonely Dinners - Munich's Co-Dining Revolution: togather Restaurant

Mon 23rd Oct, 2023

Dining alone is seldom the first choice for most individuals. The allure of a convivial dinner with cherished company far outweighs a solitary evening indulging in a Netflix pizza. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the population frequently finds themselves in the latter scenario, dining alone. This trend, when persistent, can have detrimental consequences for both one's mental and physical well-being. Therefore, the solution is simple: get out there and socialize. And where better to do so than at Munich's very own Togather Restaurant, the city's premier co-dining establishment.

Co-Dining: Bridging the Social Gap

The concept of co-dining is remarkably straightforward: it offers a space for individuals seeking meaningful in-person connections during mealtime. Prospective patrons are encouraged to simply walk in and join the communal dining experience. The welcoming ambiance is meticulously cultivated by the proprietor, Sarah, whose genuine warmth and hospitality swiftly put visitors at ease. Within moments of placing an order for one of the delectable "home-cooked reloaded" dishes - lovingly prepared by Sarah's mother in the kitchen - diners often find themselves engaged in lively discussions with fellow tablemates. Due to the restaurant's unambiguous concept, patrons tend to be equally open and curious about those joining their dining party.

Connecting Over Cuisine: The Magic of Co-Dining

The beauty of co-dining lies in its ability to foster genuine connections. One guest at togather, who happens to use a wheelchair, revealed that he was able to bring a companion to cultural events at no extra cost. It was precisely at togather that he met a fellow attendee who would accompany him to an upcoming jazz concert.

Embracing a Structured Dining Window

To ensure that individuals can enjoy their meal without the pangs of solitude, togather adheres to specific mealtime schedules:

  • Co-Lunch: 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
  • Co-Dinner: 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Beyond Merely a Restaurant

In the eyes of Sarah, the visionary behind togather, this establishment transcends the boundaries of a typical restaurant. It is, in essence, a communal "living space." To breathe life into this concept, Sarah curates an extensive calendar of diverse events. These span the spectrum from co-dinners and co-lunches to international co-lunches, mindful lunches, co-working sessions, game nights, brunches, and an ever-growing repertoire of workshops, lectures, and art events. Sarah's creative vision knows no bounds as she strives to offer her guests an enriching and shared experience.

The Evolution of togather: A Journey to Co-Dining

Sarah's concept of co-dining evolved organically. Drawing inspiration from her backpacking experiences, she yearned for the open-hearted warmth typically found in hostels, where strangers swiftly metamorphose into friends. She sought to create a similar environment within Germany. Leveraging applications such as Meet5 and eatwith, Sarah spontaneously invited individuals to Sunday dinners at her residence. The response was overwhelmingly positive, causing her dining table to outgrow its capacity. Subsequently, even reserved restaurant tables proved insufficient to accommodate the burgeoning demand. It was clear that the time was ripe for the establishment of her own eatery.

Realizing the Dream Through Crowdfunding

Sarah's dream received substantial financial backing through crowdfunding efforts. This success allowed Sarah to infuse even more love and attention into the restaurant's decor. Notably, large tables were custom-made for togather as part of a socially conscious project involving refugees. Moreover, advanced soundproofing measures ensure that noise levels remain agreeable, even during peak dining hours. Indeed, full houses are wished upon Sarah for all 313 days that togather remains open. This innovative approach has positioned Togather as a valuable addition to Munich's culinary landscape. It marks a small yet significant stride for the city's dining scene, and a considerable leap forward for its population seeking communal dining experiences.

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