More youth protection for alcohol and tobacco

Sun 29th Jan, 2023

Image by Ghinzo from PixabayThe Federal Commissioner for Drugs, Burkhard Blienert, is urging greater protection, especially for children and young people, against damage to health caused by alcohol and smoking. Among other things, the SPD politician called for "consistent steps" against alcohol advertising in Berlin on Thursday. It must be removed from the Internet, television and radio - ideally around the clock, at least during peak broadcasting hours.

The minimum age for alcohol must also be put to the test. Being allowed to drink in the presence of parents from the age of 14 is "health policy nonsense of bygone times" and must be abolished.

Blienert said: "Hardly any other European country has such a liberal approach to alcohol, tobacco and the like." Every year, around 150,000 people die in Germany as a result of alcohol and tobacco consumption. One in eight adults also has a problem with gambling, he added.

The Federal Government Commissioner spoke out in favor of more far-reaching advertising restrictions. He said there was no reason why colorful pictures could still be used to advertise cigarettes, heaters and e-cigarettes at kiosks, supermarket checkouts and gas stations. For better youth and consumer protection in gambling, which is the responsibility of the states, sports betting advertising on TV, radio and the Internet before 9 p.m. should be banned.

With regard to the controlled release of cannabis for adults planned by the traffic light coalition, Blienert said he was concerned with nothing other than more health protection: "Better standardized, controlled cannabis from the store than contaminated cannabis from the dealer in the city park."

Image by Ghinzo from Pixabay


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