Ideas for living and home decoration: Heim & Handwerk exhibition

Tue 16th Nov, 2010

Munich. From Wednesday 24th until Sunday 28th November 2010, around 900 exhibitors will present their ideas related to housing, construction, furnishing and living in the exhibition Heim + Handwerk in Munich Riem.

Heim+Handwerk is the biggest German consumer exhibition in the field of construction, furnishing and home decoration. Visitors are invited daily till 8pm (Sunday till 6 pm) to obtain information directly from producers and to compare products and prices.

Families with children are welcomed too: children can be taken care of by trained teachers in the nursery while their parents can have a look around.  In Hall B2 visitors can learn from independent experts about latest energy saving technologies. The forum "Housing and well-being" in Hall A3 will be dedicated to healthy sleeping. A variety of mattress to choose from and lots of useful information on the topic is waiting for you there. Professor Jürgen Zulley from the medical sleep center in Regensburg is one the experts giving advice on good sleep.

About 50 exhibitors highlight their model kitchens - from the functional kitchen to the individually designed plan kitchen. Even kitchen appliances, accessories and the necessary utensils for attractive tableware are on view in Hall B1. It does not matter whether you are reconstructing, planning or refurnishing your house or flat '€“ the bright palette of up-to-date useful information and creative ideas are waiting for you there. More information on

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