Family from Bavaria in India fighting for their children

Wed 3rd Mar, 2010

New Delhi. A couple from Bavaria have been waiting more than two years with their twins, that were born to an Indian surrogate mother, to be allowed to emigrate to Germany.

The ARD Radio Studio South Asia, reported that the German authorities had not issued the passport to the children, because according to German law, surrogacy is prohibited. In India surrogacy is legal.

Because the parents were not Indian, they refused to issue the twins with Indian travel documents. The father is in danger of expulsion from India after his visa expires - without the twins.

The 47-years old father has not left India since the birth of his children. His wife had meanwhile returned to Bavaria, to earn money for the family. The Indian visa for him will soon run out. If the Indian authorities do not renew his residence permit, he must leave the country without his children.

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