Dispatch from the front

Mon 27th Aug, 2012

The Munich Eye's intrepid reporter Robert Johnson is in Edinburgh to attend and cover the biggest English Language Theatre Festival in the world. Follow him here exclusively at the Eye 

Gentle reader, thank you very much for tuning in to this dispatch of what will hopefully be a successful run of columns, interviews and on the spot the updates from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We are going to track down the Munich influence at this Festival, and explore one of Munich's most appealing sister cities. I hope you enjoy reading about it, as much as I am enjoying doing it.
On the Streets of Edinburgh right now things are buzzing. It's a busy day on the mile. This part of Scotland was inundated with Rain for the last three months, but we have had excellent sunny weather here in the north. Unexpected but nothing to complain about. The rain in the night has washed the blood stains off of the sidewalks and things are looking up.

Last night's showing of Doom the Musical was sold out and made a tonne of money. Not exactly a tonne but enough to eat on. No movement on Show number one sadly, but them's the breaks. We are the Eye and this reporter is undaunted.

On the streets today, I met a woman with a moustache tattood to her finger so that she can switch genders when ever she likes. Her male companion assited a street theater sketch by stabbing me and another participant with a Sith style lightsaber. If they get in touch, like they said they would, we are going to include the film. In the meantime, here is a photo of said Moustache tattoo.









Also, I hugged a Fat Kitten. Photo is enclosed. This particular mascot is for Fat Kitten, which is a London based improv troupe. They are tearing things up at the Fringe. A trip to Munich is possibly in the works according to their distinguished member James Ross. We would welcome them with open arms. 

That's enough of an update, the show is about to start and we are begging for it. Cheers

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